Austin PPA hosted Richard Sturdevant at our April 2010 meeting. Richard's program was filled with tips on how to not only sell beautiful collage portraits to your clients but also how he turns some of his client work into amazing merit prints... prints that look like they are from a dream world. Richard's program was very inspiring for all in attendance. To see more of Richard's work, please visit: http://www.sturdevantstudio.com/ Richard was also a print mentor at our annual mentor's meeting, along with PPA Master Photographer's; Carrell Grigsby, Lewis Kincheloe and Steve Armstrong. Their advice was invaluable!

Our April print competition winners were: 1st place; Maria Bernal, 2nd place; Dianna Lynn Walker and 3rd place; Jill Hays. Album winners were: 1st place(tie); Lewis Kincheloe and Patrick Motola and 2nd place; Valerie Morrison

On May 16th, Austin PPA will host our annual print competition in Lakeway, Texas. Don't miss the fellowship, the great food and the last chance to have your prints judged before Kerrville. Please visit www.austinppa.com for all the details about this event and all of our upcoming speakers and programs.

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